Monday, 15 October 2012

Thursday 11th October 2012

Documentary 1
Re-written from notepad
My aims for the day were:
·         Finish the documentary audio.
·         Tutor review, change if needed.
·         Start 2nd documentary, at least thirty seconds.

We started the morning by trying to get the soundtrack off the internet, Jamie Holman willingly paid for them which was very nice of him even more so  when he didn’t accept my money. Unfortunately he was busy so we had to wait a short time until he could download them. The soundtracks we downloaded were “Endless Summer” & “Better Day”, both were suggestions by Becky but it was unlikely that we use “Better Day”. it started off well but then it used a jingle that seemed to be more appropriate for Christmas, we could have tried to edit it but it seemed pointless considering “Endless Summer” was better and when we added it, it instantly worked with our footage. “Endless Summer” was made by Barrie Gleason, Kes Loy & Richard Kimmings.
                Once the soundtrack was in we noticed that the montage was slightly out of beat so we cut in down a bit so that it fit in with the soundtrack beat. Also we had to adjust the audio of the interviews so that it was clear enough, some was louder than others and just need to be adjusted anyway.

Audio adjustment levels

  • ·         Ryan Baron- -1.45
  • ·         Shamus Khan- 3.19
  • ·         James Gilbraith-5.37

Once we had finished we got our tutor Jamie to review our footage and see if he had any creative feedback to improve it.
Re-written from notepad
Jamie feedback
·         Add titles of the names of the interviewee
·         Spelling mistake on final frame
·         Change font
·         Get footage of other students artwork that attended Dolphinholme, the recommended people was; Melisa, Megan, Richard, Sarah and Daniel
·         Credits.
Each of these points were easy to achieve apart from get more footage, each of these students & tutors would be in class or had already left to go home, so we would have to wait until next week when everyone are together.
Jamie also showed us a method on how to make the audio run a lot smoother, he added an effect; Fill Left, whilst recording we was using two mics; the boom mic and the mic on the camera. By adding this effect it duplicated the audio onto another channel which increase’s the volume of their voices. Another input Jamie provided was putting Richard into our documentary because it really needed an art student or tutor to mention what they have been doing and why it’s good. Jamie placed it straight after James interview as they’re talking about similar things. By adding Richard’s interview it had a change on the pace and rotation of shots we used throughout the documentary.  It was the original interview, variety of shots with relevance, interview, shots etc. But after rearranging some shots it actually seemed better, it made the flow of the documentary move smoother.
Once we had these minor points sorted we added credits and finally it was finished. The final length time is 1:43:38 which I think is a good length of footage for a piece that is going to used on the official website for Blackburn College.

Shot list
·         207- pan farm
·         132- Rebecca
·         129- Shamus
·         139- Georgina
·         138-James
·         045-yurt door open
·         042-tunnel
·         055-over shoulder boy
·         025- over shoulder girl
·         026- Alex & Will with goats
·         037-overshoulder teaching
·         000-group art
·         026-close up goat
·         012- close up painting
·         084-farmer fire
·         218-painting cloth
·         129- Shamus talking
·         132-river
·         129-Shamus talking
·         130-group social
·         082- couple
·         032- girl drawing goats
·         031- over shoulder teaching 2
·         098- goats, group
·         138- James talk
·         160- farmer herding goats
·         064-flower
·         011-art work
·         013-close up art work
·         138- boo talks
·         006-over shoulder girl art
·         056-drawing of farm
·         002-leaf print
·         127-ryan talks
·         133-wood
·         124-ryan talks
·         033- teaching drawing goats 2
·         043- goat reverse shot
·         095-goat close up
·         099-group goats 2
·         142- pregnant scanning
·         138-boo talks
·         Photo

Here’s the final sequence of shots of our documentary.

Documentary 2
                After receiving praise from Jamie for doing such great work I was more than raring to get started on the second documentary. Seeing as this documentary was our original idea to do and we had it all planned out I could see us finishing it soon and being a piece of work that is of professional standards.
Whilst Becky & I were waiting for Jamie to get the soundtrack for us, Jordan Gott took it upon himself to start the second documentary.
Re-written from Jordan Gott notepad

I brought over the footage of the farmer, and then started to cut out pieces of one of the interviews where the white balance was off. This was during the tour of the farming facility, it was a poor shot but the audio during this could be used as it is clear and vital. The footage can be edited to be a cutaway. So I just unlinked the audio and video and placed them apart. I put the interview in order and then placed a title which had his name and occupation so that the audience would know who he is.

It was getting late in the day so we thought it would be best just to order the sequence of the interview  as we were now using the farmers interview (shot 085) and the interview of his son (shot 161). We wanted to share the segments evenly between the both so we had to make sure what they said was relevant to each other. We noticed that a lot of what the son says was necessary but the footage itself had its minor flawless, during the shoot of this interview the camera gets stuck causing the camera operator to lose the shot, so for this we would have to have cutaways to go over the footage or even cut the interview to the bare necessities.
We then added some cutaways of goats and other shots which were relevant to the point the interviewee was talking about but didn’t put them into sequence, just kept them out ready so we wouldn’t have to waste time looking the next session. Jamie viewed what we had done, knowing we hadn’t really edited it but he just wanted to see the quality on each interview. He recommended that we rearrange the footage so that instead of it being long segments of the interview they would be short segments and having relevance to each other. This might be difficult but we will get on with it tomorrow.
This is the sequence we have done so far.

It was another overall productive day, each of us got involved as much as we could. I think we are a great team, we know how to communicate well with each other and I value each of my team member inputs. I think this documentary is going to be brilliant.

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